Lottie Doll – School Days
Our range of Lottie dolls are a perfect alternative to normal main stream dolls. With an emphasis on equality, women’s rights and fairy gender stereotypes, Each Lottie doll features core values that empower young minds. Perfect for many occasions. All dolls comes with a clear unique theme.
Hair: Brown: Eyes: Brown
- A navy pinafore
- White shirt
- Bow tie
- Socks
- Navy Mary Jane shoes
- A pair of glasses
- A striped red and white scarf
- A cute cat-themed school bag
- 10 special collector cards featuring leadership tips for girls
Leadership tips for girls
“Lottie can’t decide what the best thing about going back to school is; seeing her friends, learning new topics, or meeting her new teacher, Miss Fiona. Miss Fiona encourages Lottie and her classmates to work together and to simply do their best, and reminds them that it’s ok to ask for help. Lottie is determined to learn her times tables off by heart, with practice it becomes easier. In the playground Lottie is always the girl her friends come to, to think up new games and solve problems and when Lottie needs advice she turns to her special leadership cards.”
Presented in beautifully designed, brightly coloured boxes (complete with handle for easy transport) Lottie Dolls need no wrapping and have award winning attention to detail.
Perfect for little hands that love imaginative play, empowering kids to live in the present & be who they want to be right now.
Great product which I’m sure my Granddaughter will love thank you